Children Acupuncture
Children Acupuncture is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) that has been accepted by the WHO to keep you in good health both physically & mentally. Acupuncture is a science where pressure is applied on specific points called acupoints, of your body to obtain therapeutic effects. These points are considered to be the pathway of energy flow in our body which needs to be stimulated to cure various health conditions. The disposable needles used in this process are very thin and they cause no pain! The pressing of needles stimulates the natural painkillers in your body that allows you to heal naturally and establish equilibrium in your body. Acupressure follows the same principle except that it is practiced by using the pressure of the hands to stimulate the pressure points. Further pressure on these points is applied by using seeds, magnets and other instruments depending on the patient & the medical condition.
Cerebral Palsy
Autism & Hyperactive
Speech Difficulties
Bed Wetting
Other Disorders