Cupping Therapy
Hijama Acupuncture is a Cpping Therapy was introduced with acupuncture treatment from the prehistoric age. And is an oriental medical art, which has wisdom of the nation. up to now Cupping has been generalized only as a tool, which extracts blood with needles and moxa (Moxibustion). But presently we think that Cupping treatment is important. It is because Cupping therapy has a special function to purify blood to improve circulation of blood to control nerves and to help a diet and has excellent effects on improvements of ability of exercise, improvement of constitution. So the value is being proved scientifically. Side effects of rapid industrialization such as a insufficient exercise, environmental pollution (destruction of an ozone layer, atmospheric pollution, water pollution, excessive agricultural chemicals) are serious. Even in mother’s milk, heavy metals are detected. So the moderns inevitably should intake heavy metals of 4 - 5 kg. And also because of indiscreet abuses of medicines, which were not tested clinically. Heavy metals are accumulated and it results in inductions of diseases of adult people, And in this information era, stresses damages the nerves, so now we are in the situation in that inevitably should use Cupping therapy.
Dry Cupping
Fire Cupping
Face Cupping
Foot Cupping
Wet Cupping
Anti-Aging Face Cupping